MODIFICATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF YOUR RESIDENCE requires prior approval by the Association’s Architectural Committee. Please submit City approved building plans to the Association’s Architectural Committee for review and approval before any work commences. Repainting requires only submission of paint samples.
CONTRACTORS WORKING HOURS, including construction, repair or excavation work with any construction equipment, and yard work which employs machinery, particularly machinery that creates a noise of any kind, such as leaf blowers, chainsaws and lawnmowers, are limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturdays. No such activity is allowed on Sundays or holidays. Contractors MUST be packed up and GONE from the residence by 5:00 p.m. Monday-Fridays and by 2:00 p.m. on Saturdays.
TRASH CANS are to be placed at the curb no earlier than the day before trash pickup and are to be retrieved from the curb and returned to the side yard no later than the afternoon of the day following trash pickup. Lids should be placed tightly on trash cans at all times and wherever situated to prevent wildlife foraging. The board has arranged with our landscape vendor to provide placement and pickup of trashcans to residents for a fee of $40 per month. Please send an email to [email protected] if you would like to receive this service..
TREES Please contact us if a tree on the HOA easement area is in need of trimming or removal.
DOGS Barking dogs are annoying! In consideration of others, PLEASE don’t leave your barking dog alone outdoors and in no event should the offending dog be let outside alone/unsupervised after 9:00 p.m. or before 8:00 a.m (Owners of dogs barking excessively at any hour face city imposed fines starting at $250 for a first offense, $500 for a second and $1,000 for a third. The city will impose fines if the barking continues for ten (10) minutes or more, or intermittently for thirty (30) minutes or more within a three (3) hour period.
DOG DROPPINGS pose a health hazard and must be removed from the ground immediately, including the sidewalk. Dog walkers are to carry plastic bags to pick up and properly dispose of dog droppings. Visit for important information regarding the hazards of not picking up dog droppings.
KEEP THE PEACE. Unnecessary, excessive and/or annoying noise of any type which disturbs the peace, quiet and comfort of the neighborhood or any member of the Association is prohibited. Sounds amplify through our canyon -- please be sensitive to noise factors such as car honking, alarm activations, screaming, loud music and excessive dog barking, Party noise and music, including live bands, recorded and amplified music and radios, must be kept at a reasonable level at all times. Please be certain that outdoor speakers are at a reasonable level and are not left on past 10:00pm on weekdays and not past 11:00pm on weekends.